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Hampshire Studies: Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society

Hampshire Studies is an annual publication, usually printed in November, containing papers on the natural history, geology, landscape, archaeology, history, historic buildings and industrial monuments of Hampshire. The price of individual volumes varies depending on age, format and size. Some are now out of print.


  • According to the first editor, the Rev. G. W. Minns, 'In the way of publications nothing was contemplated by the original promoters...It was soon found, however, that ample material was forthcoming...'
  • Between 1885 and 1966, Proceedings were published in Parts, usually three to a volume. Volume I, consisting of four parts for the years 1885-1889, was published in 1890. Occasionally, single volume supplements were issued:
    • Volume 20, which was related to Natural History.
    • Volume 11, published in 1930 and issued to subscribers for 1929, is another example of a single issue volume. In this case the volume is a report of the St Catherine's Hill Excavations of the 1920s.
    • Volume XX - 1956 - Essays to Honour Frank Warren
  • From 1967, Proceedings have normally been published as a single annual volume; 2012 and 2020, see below, are exceptions.
  • Due to time constraints, no volume of Proceedings was published in 1990; Volume 45 was published in November 1989 while Volume 46 was published in March 1991.
  • The title of 'Hampshire Studies' was used for the first time in Volume 51, 1996; the official title is still 'Proceedings of the HFC&AS'.

The Editorial Board is responsible for the content of the Proceedings. Contributions are welcomed; information, regarding possible articles, is available from their section of the website.

Digital Files

The following volumes are navailable without charge from this website:

Tables of Contents of recent volumes

Cover image from Volume 56
Two discs from Clatterford Roman Villa

Publications Index

This index, compiled by Anthony C King FSA, draws together the authors’ names and titles of articles, classified into broad subject areas and periods, for a wide range of publications.

Back Numbers

All of this series is now available online through our website. However some hard copies are still available and prices are available on request.  If a volume is out of print it is possible to offer a scanned copy of any article from the archive copy.   Price subject to the length of the article.

All items in stock are available from the Publications Stockholder, Miss Julia Sandison; see below for contact details. A pro forma will be issued for all publications requested; this will include additional charges for postage and packaging as well as the cost of the items. Your order will be completed and will be sent on receipt of payment. All items can be posted. Payment must be made in sterling.

Other publications available

Any questions about Publications?
Then email Julia Sandison
tel 01962 867490
22 Clifton Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 5BP