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Local History Section

The aim of this section is to encourage and promote the study of local history in Hampshire, both through the section's own activities and liaison with local history societies throughout the county. 

We organize an annual lecture, spring symposium, summer outing and outing and AGM in the autumn often with the help of a local society as well as other occasional courses and events.

Articles on Local History in the Newsletter include book reviews, details of new accessions in the Hampshire Record Office and new local publications, and brief pieces on aspects of Hampshire's history. The British Association for Local History have produced an online E-Newsletter; the edition for Jan/Feb 2021 includes information about an article by Roger Ottewill.

The Section has close ties with the Hampshire Record Office and with the local history section of the County Library.

Current programme: a full listing of all events organised by the different sections of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society.

Old Kingsclere
Views of Kingsclere Church


These form an integral part of the study of Local History. Barry Shurlock has produced a twenty-minute talk giving an online guide to different archives.

Events in 2024

Friday 22nd November - AGM & Annual Local History Lecture at the Hampshire Record Office, Winchester, SO23 8TH.

Saturday 14th September - Showcasing Hampshire History at Ashburton Hall, Elizabeth Court, Susses Street, Winchester,

Saturday 20th April - Day Conference on Hampshire County Government at the Hampshire Record Office, Winchester, SO23 8TH.

Saturday 13th July - Visit to Winchester Cathedral Priory and Winchester College.

Events in 2023

Saturday 24th June, 10.00- 5.00 - Charlotte Mary Yonge Day in Otterbourne and Hursley

This event celebrated the bicentenary of the birth of one of Hampshire’s most influential authors, Charlotte Mary Yonge (CMY) with talks, walks and music. Find out more on our dedicated C M Yonge webpage. This event was undertaken jointly with 'The Charlotte M Yonge Fellowship'.

Events in 2022

Saturday - 2nd July 2022 - Summer Outing to Hambledon

We were guests of the Local History Group of the Hambledon Arts Society. Read more about the visit.

Saturday - 2nd April 2022: jointly with the Landscape Section, a morning visit to look at: Basingstoke's Religious Heritage

Some of the major casualties of Basingstoke’s town centre redevelopment in the 1960s were a number of historic places of worship. These had contributed significantly to not only the religious life of Basingstoke but also the character of its built environment. This outing, jointly organised by the Landscape and Local History Sections of the Field Club, recalled some of the buildings and visited two that survive. Starting at a notable survivor, London Street United Reformed Church (formerly Congregational Church), which dates from the early nineteenth century, followed by a visit to All Saints Church built at the beginning of the twentieth century.

The visit was led by Roger Ottewill; there is background material on this topic on the Landscape Section webpage on religious buildings, both ancient and modern in the town centre.

Events in 2021

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic there were monthly presentations via Zoom on the last Tuesday of each month, covering different aspects of the practice of local history. Organised by the Local History Section of the Hampshire Field Club & Hampshire Archives Trust, these will be available on the day or via the HFC YouTube channel

Events in 2020

Annual Lecture - Friday 18th January: Annual Lecture:Dr James Thomas, on 'Celebrating George III's Birthday: the Experience of Hampshire.'

Community Archive Forum - due to Covid-19 this event was cancelled - Further related material to the CAF can be found be taking the link.

Spring Symposium - this event was also cancelled but details of the topics due to be explored - on the theme of 'Anniversaries and Memorialisation' - can be read.

Pear Tree Church, Southampton - consecrated in 1620 - A YouTube video with Dr Cheryl Butler explains the origins and development of the church.

Florence Nightingale - 200th Anniversary of her birth 12/5/1820: Dr Jonathan Memel was due to lecture on this subject at the postponed Spring Symposium. He has kindly sent the following links to online material:

The British Library has produced a Bicentenniel reflection, as a YouTube video, on the life and legacy of Florence Nightingagle, one of Britain's most iconic heroines.

Summer Outing - to East Woodhay was cancelled. For those interested there is some background information on the East Woodhay website. The Secretary of East Woodhay Local History Society had assisted with the planning of the visit. Autumn Outing and AGM - Date and location to be confirmed.

Past Events

For details of past events please visit the Local History Section Archive pages.

Any questions about the Local History Section? Then email