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Hampshire Field Club & Archaeological Society
Registered Charity number 243773     Homepage | Archaeology | Historic Buildings  |  Hampshire Papers  | Landscape | Local History   
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Individual Membership

The rates are £30 for one person and £35 for two people at the same address, for which members receive the Society's Newsletter, including details of the programme of events, twice yearly and Hampshire Studies, post-free as soon as it is published; the rate for a student will be £22. Those who do not want to receive Hampshire Studies can join for an annual subscription of £15 for one person or £20 for two people at the same address; the rate for a student will be £12. Those joining between 1st October and 31st December have these 3 months free in addition to membership for the following year. Members receive substantial discounts on most publications.

Please download an application form, either in pdf format, which can be printed off for completion, or in MS word format, which can be printed off for completion or filled in electronically and saved. Printed applications should be posted to our Hon Membership Secretary at the address given on the form. Electronic applications should be emailed to the Hon Membership Secretary -

Institutional Membership

Institutional membership (for societies, libraries and other organisations) costs £30 and includes an annual copy of Hampshire Studies. One paid-up member of organisations with institutional membership is entitled to attend the Society's meetings at members' rates, subject to space.

Please download an application form, either in pdf format, which can be printed off for completion, or in MS word format, which can be printed off for completion or filled in electronically and saved. Printed applications should be posted to our Hon Membership Secretary at the address given on the form. Electronic applications should be emailed to the Hon Membership Secretary -

Data Protection

Under the terms and conditions of the new data legislation of May 2018, the personal contact information in our database is to be used for Hampshire Field Club purposes only. It will not be disclosed to individuals or organizations outside this remit. The contents of the database are held on computer file. You are able to view your data, on request. For further clarification, please contact the Membership Secretary, whose details are shown below.

Contact Details
Jane King
Hon Membership Secretary
1 Wheatland Close, Badger Farm, Winchester, SO22 4QL
email Jane King