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Celebrating Hampshire Historians


Working with the over 100 organisations, which are studying, rewriting and disseminating Hampshire’s history in many different ways, over 200 historians have been nominated: those chosen can been seen in the following linked webpages:

Historians A-B from Altham, H.S to Butterfield, R.P.

Historians C from Calkin, John Bernard to Curtis, William

Historians D-F from Dacre, Maxwll to Fussell, G.E.

Historians G-H from Gallup, Peter to Hudson, William Henry

Historians I-L from Innes, Kathleen to Luce, Sir Richard

Historians M-Q from Macray, William D. to Quirk, R.

Historians R-T from Ravenscroft, William to Trussel, John

HIstorians V-Y from Vancouver, Charles to Yonge, Charlotte M.

Profiles of each person will be written and uploaded to these webpages. Links to each profile will be made from the individual lists.

More information is available from

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