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Celebrating Hampshire Historians

Cook, Arthur Kemball

1851 - 1928

Arthur Cook was educated at Winchester College 1863-1869. He was a scholar and won nearly all the major school prizes, followed by a scholarship to New College, Oxford, in 1869. After a 1st in Mods and Greats, he returned to teach at Winchester in 1875 and retired in 1911. He was a housemaster during that time.


Winchester College Register 1884-1934, ed MS Leigh (Winchester, 1940)

Obituary from The Wykehamist 709, Dec 1928


Arthur Cook

Contribution to county’s history

A new history of Winchester College which contained much original research and was more a history of the pupils and the life they led at school  

Relevant published works

  • Cook, A (1917) About Winchester College London

Critical Comments

Other Comments


Suzanne Foster, archivist at Winchester College, Oct 2021


Winchester, Winchester College

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