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Celebrating Hampshire Historians

Luce, Sir Richard Harman, KCMG FSA


Surgeon, soldier, politician and historian, Richard Harmon Luce, born at Halcombe, Malmesbury, gained a first in Natural Sciences at Christ’s College, Cambridge and then qualified as a surgeon at Guys Hospital.  In WW1 he served as Director of Medical Services of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force rising to rank of Major-General and was knighted in 1919.  He became a surgeon at Derbyshire Royal Infirmary and Derbyshire Children’s Hospital.  He was elected as Unionist MP for Derby in 1924.

He retired to Romsey, Hampshire, becoming mayor from 1935-7.  A keen Classics scholar, he was an enthusiastic trustee and supporter of King John’s House, Romsey, researching its historic documents spanning the 16th to 20th centuries.  He also transcribed and translated the 1607 Charter by which King James I incorporated Romsey Infra as a borough.  He immersed himself in the history of Romsey and its Abbey.

A volunteer for Romsey Civil Defence in WW2, Sir Richard studied Anglo-Saxon during air raids.


  • Resources held at King John’s House, Romsey

  • Wikipedia


  • pers,comm: Recollections of the late Mrs P,A. Wellington (first lady mayor of Romsey)


Sir Richard Harman Luce

Contribution to county’s history

An enormously erudite man, Sir Richard Luce brought a new level of scholarship and understanding to the history of Romsey within the county of Hampshire.

Relevant published works

  • Luce.R (198) Pages from the History of Romsey and its Abbey, Winchester

Critical Comments

Other Comments

Sir Richard wrote a history of Malmesbury Abbey (he was born in Malmesbury) in a similar vein to his work on Romsey.  Most of his other writing comprised papers relating to his military and medical experiences.

In Romsey he lived at Chirk Lodge, Winchester Hill.


Barbara Burbridge, Romsey Local History Society 01.11.2021

Key Words

Romsey Borough Council, King John’s Hous, Romsey, Romsey Abbey

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