2025 marks 185 Years since the completion of London-Southampton railway with the opening of Andover Road - now called Micheldever Station. To link with the national celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the railways, there will be a series of talks and guided walks over the weekend of 10-11th May.
Saturday 10th - Walks:
10:30 Micheldever Station’s Hidden History: Guided Tour of the World War II Oil Terminal. Patrick Craze, local historian & Winchester Green Badge Guide. (this tour includes flights of stairs).
11:00. “Windpump Walk”: 4 mile, circular, off-road route running parallel to the railway line and back along an old drove road. Lynsey Sweeney, Micheldever Rights of Way Volunteers.
15:00 “Tour of Micheldever Spoil Heaps - unique environment & SSSI with rare flowers and butterflies”. At 15:00 Mervyns Coach will drive us from the Station Forecourt to the site. Rough terrain. Walk half a mile - some potentially slippery, steep slopes. Guided by the farm manager and local enthusiasts.
To book for any of the events on Saturday, email Sue Bell.
Sunday 11th May - Walks
See the EventBrite website to book: for details or the walks below, see above Saturday 10th.
09:30 Micheldever Station’s Hidden History: Guided tour of the World War II Oil Terminal
15:10 The Windpump Walk
15:00 Tour of Micheldever Spoil Heaps
15:30 Micheldever Station’s Hidden History: Guided Tour of the WWII Oil Terminal.