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Hampshire Field Club & Archaeological Society
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Programme of Events of Other Societies etc.

Members leaving King John's Castle, Odiham on 11 July 2015.

We are happy to advertise events of other societies and groups where we have information. Availability of places at any event will need to be confirmed with the organisation in question.


Reading Museum -

Silchester Talks 2025

Roman coin from Silchester


A series of three talks at Reading Musuem & Town Hall, by Professor Michael Fulford, President of the Hampshire Field Club. Reading Musuem, with support from the Friends of Reading Musuem, have organised the talks to raise funds for the redevelopment of the Silchester Roman Gallery.

Saturday 15th March: Talk 1: The Origins of Roman Silchester.

Saturday 12th April: Talk 2: Silchester: Life in the Roman City.

Saturday 10th May: Talk 3: Silchester: The End of the Roman City.

Each talk starts at 11.00 am and costs £12 (or £30 for all three talks). Book via the links above.

Rail200 -

MICHELDEVER STATION the Community Created by the Railway” on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th May 2025.

Further details for the Saturday events.

Further details are available on the Sunday events.

Micheldever Spoil Heap

Part of the Micheldever spoil heaps.

2025 marks 185 Years since the completion of London-Southampton railway with the opening of Andover Road - now called Micheldever Station. To link with the national celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the railways, there will be a series of talks and guided walks over the weekend of 10-11th May.

Saturday 10th - Walks:

10:30 Micheldever Station’s Hidden History:  Guided Tour of the World War II Oil Terminal.  Patrick Craze, local historian & Winchester Green Badge Guide. (this tour includes flights of stairs).

11:00. “Windpump Walk”: 4 mile, circular, off-road route running parallel to the railway line and back along an old drove road. Lynsey Sweeney, Micheldever Rights of Way Volunteers.

15:00 “Tour of Micheldever Spoil Heaps - unique environment & SSSI with rare flowers and butterflies”. At 15:00 Mervyns Coach will drive us from the Station Forecourt to the site. Rough terrain. Walk half a mile - some potentially slippery, steep slopes. Guided by the farm manager and local enthusiasts.

To book for any of the events on Saturday, email Sue Bell.

Sunday 11th May - Walks

See the EventBrite website to book: for details or the walks below, see above Saturday 10th.

09:30 Micheldever Station’s Hidden History: Guided tour of the World War II Oil Terminal

15:10 The Windpump Walk

15:00 Tour of Micheldever Spoil Heaps

15:30 Micheldever Station’s Hidden History: Guided Tour of the WWII Oil Terminal.


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